Low GWP Chillers

Embrace Sustainability with Low GWP Chillers from Newsome

At Newsome, we are committed to advancing cooling technology while prioritising environmental responsibility. Our industrial and commercial Low Global Warming Potential (GWP) chillers are a testament to this commitment, offering a sustainable solution that balances performance with eco-consciousness.

Technology is forever changing and as such here at Newsome we are constantly developing our range of Low GWP Chillers and the refrigerants they use. Contact us today to discuss our latest range of Low GWP Chillers that we have available to hire and also to purchase. We also have advancements in energy efficient chillers that can further reduce the impact of commercial cooling on the environment by reducing energy consumption and lowering carbon emissions.

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Newsome, your trusted Low GWP Chiller partner

Choosing the right supplier for low Global Warming Potential (GWP) chillers is pivotal in aligning your business with sustainability goals and ensuring optimal cooling performance. Newsome stands as your ideal partner, offering unparalleled expertise and commitment to excellence. Newsome has been at the forefront of developing and supplying low GWP chillers long before environmental consciousness became a mainstream concern. Our early adoption and innovation reflect our commitment to providing eco-friendly cooling solutions.

With years of experience in the cooling industry, Newsome boasts a deep understanding of market trends, technological advancements, and customer needs. Our seasoned professionals offer tailored solutions that meet your cooling requirements precisely.

Our low GWP chillers incorporate the latest in cooling technology, ensuring optimal efficiency, reliability, and performance. By choosing Newsome, you’re selecting advanced solutions that drive results while minimising environmental impact. We integrate eco-friendly practices into our operations, ensuring that our supply chain and processes contribute to a greener future.

We understand that businesses have unique cooling requirements. That’s why we  offer a diverse range of low GWP chillers with customisable options, ensuring that your chosen solution aligns seamlessly with your operations. Our low GWP chillers are engineered to maximise energy efficiency, resulting in reduced operational costs and a smaller carbon footprint. By choosing Newsome, you make a conscious choice towards responsible energy consumption.

Our low GWP chillers adhere to international environmental regulations and standards. When you choose Newsome, you can be confident that you’re investing in compliant, future-proof solutions. Choosing Newsome as your low GWP chiller supplier is more than a business decision – it’s a commitment to environmental stewardship and excellence. Join us in redefining cooling solutions that optimise performance while minimising impact on our planet.

Low GWP Chillers – reducing the environmental impact of industrial Cooling.   

Global Warming Potential (GWP) is a measure of how much a greenhouse gas contributes to global warming over a specific time frame. Chillers that have a low GWP value use refrigerants with reduced environmental impact, contributing to the preservation of our planet’s delicate ecological balance. As regulations and awareness surrounding environmental issues grow, adopting low GWP chillers has become a proactive step toward a more sustainable future.

Evolution of Low GWP Chillers: Pioneering Sustainable Cooling Solutions

The history of Low Global Warming Potential (GWP) chillers is a journey marked by the pursuit of sustainable cooling technology and the recognition of our responsibility to protect the environment. As concerns over climate change and greenhouse gas emissions have grown, the development of low GWP chillers has emerged as a pivotal milestone in the quest for eco-friendly cooling solutions.

The concept of GWP, measuring the potential impact of greenhouse gases on global warming, gained traction in the late 20th century. With the mounting realisation of the environmental consequences of traditional refrigerants with high GWP values, the need for more sustainable alternatives became apparent.

In response to growing environmental awareness, researchers and industries began to explore alternatives with lower GWP values. Hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs), hydrocarbons, and natural refrigerants like ammonia and carbon dioxide emerged as viable options, offering reduced GWP while maintaining effective cooling capabilities.

The evolution of low GWP chillers has been driven by innovation and technological advancements. Manufacturers focused on developing chiller systems that maximise efficiency, minimise energy consumption, and utilise environmentally friendly refrigerants.

A New Era of Cooling Solutions:

Today, low GWP chillers have become an integral part of the cooling landscape here at Newsome. They symbolise a conscious shift towards responsible and environmentally friendly practices. Businesses worldwide are choosing low GWP chillers to uphold their commitment to sustainability while enjoying reliable and efficient cooling for their operations.

As a leader in cooling technology, Newsome has been heavily involved in this evolution. We have embraced the development of low GWP chillers, contributing to the shift towards a greener future. Our commitment to innovation and environmental responsibility ensures that our low GWP chillers are equipped with cutting-edge technology and superior performance, enabling businesses to make a positive impact while enjoying efficient cooling solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions about Low GWP Chillers

What are Low GWP Chillers?

Low GWP (Global Warming Potential) chillers are cooling systems that use refrigerants with significantly reduced environmental impact compared to traditional refrigerants. These refrigerants have a lower potential to contribute to global warming and climate change.

Why are Low GWP Chillers important?

Low GWP chillers play a crucial role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which are major contributors to climate change. By using refrigerants with lower GWP values, these chillers help mitigate the environmental impact of cooling systems.

What are the benefits of using Low GWP Chillers?

Low GWP chillers offer several benefits, including reduced carbon footprint, compliance with environmental regulations, improved energy efficiency, and enhanced corporate sustainability efforts.

How do Low GWP Chillers contribute to environmental protection?

Low GWP chillers use refrigerants that have a reduced potential to harm the environment. By minimising greenhouse gas emissions, these chillers help protect the ozone layer and reduce the overall impact of climate change.

Do Low GWP Chillers offer energy efficiency?

Yes, many Low GWP chillers are designed with advanced technologies that optimise energy consumption. Their energy-efficient features not only reduce operational costs but also help conserve resources.

Are Low GWP Chillers compatible with existing cooling systems?

Yes, Low GWP chillers are designed to be compatible with various cooling systems and applications. They can often be integrated into existing setups or used as replacements for high GWP chillers.

How do Low GWP Chillers align with sustainability goals?

Low GWP chillers contribute to sustainability goals by minimising the use of high GWP refrigerants, which have a significant impact on climate change. By adopting these chillers, businesses demonstrate their commitment to environmental responsibility.

Are Low GWP Chillers cost-effective?

Yes, Low GWP chillers can be cost-effective in the long run. While there may be initial investment costs, the energy savings and reduced environmental compliance costs can lead to significant financial benefits over time.

Are there any regulations promoting the use of Low GWP Chillers?

Yes, international agreements like the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol aim to phase down the use of high GWP refrigerants, encouraging the adoption of Low GWP alternatives.

How do Low GWP Chillers impact the cooling industry?

Low GWP chillers are driving a shift towards sustainable cooling practices within the industry. They are encouraging innovation, improving energy efficiency, and helping industry meet environmental targets.

Can Low GWP Chillers be customised for specific applications?

Yes, Low GWP chillers come in various models and configurations to suit specific cooling requirements. They can be customised for different industries, processes, and cooling demands.

How can businesses transition to using Low GWP Chillers?

Businesses can transition to Low GWP chillers by consulting with cooling experts, understanding their specific needs, and exploring the available models and options. This ensures a seamless transition while reaping the benefits of sustainable cooling solutions.


The positive impact of Low GWP chillers on the cooling industry is undeniable. They represent a significant step towards a greener future by reducing emissions, conserving energy, and supporting sustainable practices that benefit both businesses and the environment.

In retrospect, low GWP chillers reflects our collective responsibility to safeguard the planet and create a more sustainable world. As technology continues to advance, low GWP chillers stand as a testament to our ability to innovate and adapt in the face of environmental challenges, ensuring a brighter future for generations to come.